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What To Expect At your first assessment

The Assessment is a time for you to let me know a bit more about your difficulties and how your problems have been impacting on you. We will identify the problems you’d like help with and set some treatment goals.


The assessment for an individual is 60 minutes and 90 minutes if you are having couples therapy.

The type of therapy we will be using is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and your treatment will be informed by the latest evidence-based practice in CBT. Cognitive Behavioural therapy (CBT) has outstanding evidence in treating people with a variety of difficulties, it works by understanding how our thoughts, behaviours and feelings interact to maintain a problem and then prevent you from meeting your goals.  It’s a collaborative therapy and follows a structure with which you will become familiar with.


Our sessions will last one hour and we will agree on the number of sessions you will have depending on the amount of support you need to achieve your goals.

If you decide at the initial assessment that you would like to proceed with treatment, we will begin to schedule the next most convenient appointment and I will give you a contract to return at our next meeting. 

If together we decide that CBT is not appropriate for you, then we will discuss other forms or types of treatment, which may include self-help books or online modules, or a recommendation to have  a different form of therapy.


If you have any further questions about my practice, specific questions about therapy,  before committing to having an assessment,  I offer a free initial 20min phone call please use the contact page to make a enquiry or to book a appointment.


CBT model The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends CBT as the treatment of choice for a number of mental health difficulties.


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